Book Store & Book Reviews


Book Reviews

Please find book reviews for our World Tourism Directory and the Handbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen (Handbook of German International Relations) with our section „Recommendations / Testimonials“.

Book Store

Our hard copy publications are sold out. Please refer to our online publications.

However, we have seen several titles available via ebay or Amazon (second hand).

Our „Worldwide Travel Information Contact Book“ used to be published by the world’s leader of academic reference publications, Gale Research, Inc., in Detroit which has been sold to Cengage Publishing: +


Our „World Tourism Directory“ used to be published by K.G. Saur Publishing in Munich, which now is an imprint of De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin:


Our „Handbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen“ (Handbook of German-International Relations) used to be published by K.G. Saur Publishing in Munich, which now is an imprint of De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin:


Our „Africa Travel & Tourism Directory“ (as part of the planned World Travel & Tourism Directories) used to be published with World of Information Ltd., in Saffron Walden, now in Cambridge:


Our gift book „Ich schenke Dir einen Baum“ used to be published by PiPaPro Publishing, in Laubach-Freienseen/Germany. The publisher has ceased operations.

Our gift book „A Tree From Me“ used tob e published by Hill of Content Publishing in Melbourne, Australia. The publishing branch has ceased operations, however some copies might be available by the Hill of Content Book Shop:


Our gift book „Ti regalo un albero“ used to be published by Campanotto Editore in Udine, Italy.


Our „Adressbuch für Auslandsreisen“ used to be published by Travellers‘ Network Verlag Werner Richter, Munich. The publisher has ceased operations.